Vote Aaron Brooksby for Minnesota House 53B

​Committed to Strengthening Communities

Prepared and paid for by the Aaron For MN 53B Committee -

Meet Aaron Brooksby
Aaron Brooksby is a transplant from Washington state and first moved to Minnesota in 2016, returning to his wife’s hometown. Before moving to Minnesota, Aaron studied conservation biology and fisheries sciences. Before attending Mitchell Hamline School of Law in St. Paul, Aaron worked as a wildlife pest removal specialist in Washington and Dakota counties, and then as a special education school bus driver for South Washington County Schools with routes in Newport, St. Paul Park, and Cottage Grove. 

Aaron is a dedicated community leader, passionate advocate, and a real estate attorney who is committed to making a positive impact in District 53B. Aaron believes in the power of community and the importance of preserving traditional American values. He is a proud husband, father of three beautiful daughters, and honors the memory of his fourth daughter in heaven.

As a conservative endorsed by the local Republican Party, Aaron champions the rights of the individual over the overreach of government. His strong beliefs in the Second Amendment, pro-life values, and fiscal responsibility guide his policy decisions.

Aaron is deeply involved in his community, enjoying grassroots motorsports, fishing, gardening, and volunteering at his church. In 2023, he ran for school board in ISD 199, driven by his passion for improving education and ensuring parents' rights are honored. Aaron’s dedication to his community and family makes him the ideal representative for District 53B.

Advocacy for Businesses and Reduced Taxes

Aaron believes in fostering a thriving business environment through reduced taxes and less government interference. He is committed to supporting local businesses, ensuring they have the resources and freedom to grow and succeed. Aaron’s approach to fiscal responsibility includes cutting unnecessary government spending to keep taxes low for all residents.

Passionate for Education

Aaron is dedicated to improving our education system. His experience running for the school board in ISD 199 highlights his commitment to ensuring high-quality education for all children. Aaron believes in empowering parents, respecting their rights, and providing teachers with the tools they need to succeed. He will seek to create an education system that prepares our children for the future.

Community-Centered Governance

Aaron’s vision for governance is rooted in community values. He believes in more community involvement and less government control. Aaron is committed to listening to the concerns of District 53B residents and working collaboratively to find solutions. His hands-on approach and dedication to community service make him a trustworthy advocate for our district.

Protecting Our Environment Through Conservation

Aaron, a passionate fisherman and strong supporter of Second Amendment rights and hunting, believes in a balanced approach to environmental conservation. He advocates for the sustainable use of our natural resources, ensuring that they are preserved for the enjoyment and benefit of future generations. Aaron supports policies that promote responsible fishing, hunting, outdoor recreation, and the protection of wildlife habitats and natural landscapes. He is also dedicated to protecting the rights of landowners, ensuring they have the freedom to manage their land responsibly and sustainably.

Ensuring Public Safety

Aaron is committed to ensuring the safety and security of all residents in District 53B. With a legal background and experience in criminal law, he has firsthand knowledge of the challenges and complexities of our legal system. Aaron supports law enforcement and first responders, advocating for the resources and training they need to protect our community. He also believes in community-based initiatives that foster cooperation between law enforcement and residents to create a safer environment for everyone. Aaron's approach to public safety includes enhancing crime prevention programs and ensuring a fair and effective justice system.

Defending Our Constitutional Rights

Aaron is a staunch defender of our constitutional rights, believing that these fundamental freedoms are the cornerstone of American democracy. He is dedicated to protecting the rights guaranteed by the Constitution, including the freedom of speech, the right to bear arms, and the right to due process. Aaron is also deeply committed to human rights, advocating for the protection of the sanctity of life from conception to natural death. He believes in upholding the dignity and value of every human life and supports policies that protect the most vulnerable among us.

$ 75

Donation Amount

  • Inver Grove Heights, Minnesota, United States
  • 3661 73rd St E

We’d love to hear from you! Whether you have questions, want to volunteer, or simply want to share your thoughts, please fill out the form below. Aaron values the input of every District 53B resident and looks forward to connecting with you.

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